Collection: Swing Caddie launch monitor - play better golf
What is a swing caddie?
Statistics: Swing Caddies stores your stats for each club. You can review your average distance, speed, smash factor for the day, as well as your overall stats for the last 100 shots. Ball Speed and Smash Factor: Swing caddies use the club head speed (swing) and the ball speed (ball) to calculate your smash factor.
What does swing caddie measure?
Using Doppler Radar, it measures swing speed, ball speed, carry distance, launch angle, and apex. Swing Caddie states that the SC300 has a 3% error on ball speed, 3 yard error in Target Mode (user sets target distance), and 5% error on carry distance in Practice Mode.
Where do you put a swing caddie?
Put the unit approximately 5-6 feet behind the ball. Place unit so VC logo on the left side of the unit is lined up with ball. (Doppler radar is where VC logo is.) If a net is used, allow at least 6 feet in front of the ball to the net.
Can swing caddie be used as simulator?
SC4 Simulator + Launch Monitor - Voice Caddie
The Swing Caddie SC4 is a complete simulator and a portable launch monitor. For use indoors and outdoors, the SC4 delivers professional-grade swing and ball flight metrics. In simulator mode, the SC4 connects with the included MySwingCaddie App, providing a complete virtual display with metrics and stats