SkyTrak Launch Monitor
Authorised SkyTrak Reseller SkyTrak Launch Monitor
It’s a timely reminder that winter is coming, yet golf can still be played indoors with SkyTrak+ and SkyTrak both also offering access to over 100,000 simulated golf courses as well as all of the key performance parameters when you are in game-improvement mode.
For most golfers, the idea of an in-home golf simulator is nothing more than a fantasy. However, with advancements in technology, your own golf simulator is now more attainable than ever. Gone are the days when a simulator installation costs 30, 40 thousand or more. Now, with SkyTrak you can get accurate, real-time data and course play at an affordable price.
There’s been a giant shift in golf over the past couple of years. Statistics show that off-course golf has become increasingly popular, meaning more and more golfers are buying launch monitors, playing simulator golf. With the on-course game still popular as ever as well, SkyTrak is the perfect launch monitor for everyone – those who want to use it as a tool to improve their on-course game, and those who want to play simulated golf from the comforts of their home.
“The new SkyTrak+ brings a new dual Doppler radar system that delivers useful club data, including: Club Head Speed, Smash Factor, Club Path and Face Angle” said SkyTrak’s James Holmes. “Additionally, applying proprietary machine-learning algorithms to that data delivers precision at a level matched only by high-end launch monitors on the market.
Whether you are an avid golfer, just starting, have lots of time to play rounds of golf or have limited time – SkyTrak is for everyone! Making SkyTrak a part of your golf repertoire will help you play better golf and have more fun.